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Get the Walking Plan Program

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A few years ago I joined the Ramblers Association, and I very much enjoyed walking in the lovely English countryside. I love discovering new places.

When Covid-19 changed everything, the walks were discontinued so I started walking by myself. I discovered the beautiful green areas around the River Irwell and I really fell in love with it! It surprises me how many Manchester people don’t even know about these treasures on their doorstep! Peel Park, Drinkwater Park, and the Cliffs are all so beautiful – I wanted to share my discoveries with everyone! I have also found other places of interest in Manchester, for example, did you know there is a 17th century Jewish cemetery in Pendleton? I so often hear women say how they have lived in Manchester all their lives but never knew these places existed!

My mother kept encouraging me to take other women with me on the walks, pointing out how much they would also enjoy and benefit, and eventually I took her advice and started advertising.


I was pleasantly surprised with the response I got; so many women were interested. I realised that they want to walk but need someone to guide and lead them. After all, one could theoretically walk 20 times around Broughton Park every day, and get all the health benefits, but it gets so boring. Why not do your walks in other beautiful places which are also very near?

Manchester in particular is blessed with stunning places to go within a short distance. It's very easy to walk, take a bus/train or go by car, and after a very short ride, to arrive at an amazing place.

I try to keep my walks as near as possible but there are also beautiful places farther away. My aim is to keep it in a maximum 1 hour drive but most of the walks take 20 minutes or even less to get there.

My passion is to help women discover the beautiful world Hashem has given us whilst at the same time walking for health; it’s one the best exercise you can do!

The benefits that I have found amongst the women in my walking groups are fabulous. First of all, it is a very healthy form of ‘me time’. Going out into nature, and especially walking outside, releases endorphins which really benefit everyone.


I see the difference in the way the women come back from the walks – they are so much calmer and happier! Walking is a lovely way of investing in your mental and physical health. It is also great for networking and making new friends at the same time!


It is amazing to notice how the women who walk regularly with me really build up their stamina and are much more able to walk faster and for longer.


Each walk is explored and checked to get the most of it.

Sometimes I go to a place 6-7 times in order to create the best walk for the ladies to enjoy.

I feel like a chef or confectioner who tries out a new cake recipe. Each time after the cake comes out from the oven the confectioner makes changes; less flour, more oil, less sugar, and again to the oven. Oops no... we need more baking powder and less cocoa... and again to the oven...until the perfect cake comes out and the recipe can be published! My walking is the same. I'll only take the group and share a map after I have tried it in many different ways, to make sure we are maximising the place in the best way.

So... if you like walking and love being in nature, this group is for you!

There are so many benefits of walking. Here are some of them:


1. Exercise. We all know how it is important to add movement to our daily life. If you are new at walking start by walking 10 minutes a day and increase it by 5-10 minutes every week till you mange to walk longer distances.

2. Physical health. Walking – together with eating right – helps to maintain a healthy body weight and lose body fat. In addition various conditions can be prevented or maintained, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer and Type 2 diabetes. Walking also helps to improve cardiovascular health.

3. Mental health. We live very busy lives, so making time to walk in nature, breathe in the fresh air, watch the sunset from a mountain, listen to the rushing waters or rustling leaves all help to relax your mind. You will have the time for yourself, to think and to relax.

4. Walking with friends. Walking is a great way to socialise with friends, to chat and to enjoy a good conversation.

5. Time for yourself. And of course if you like the time for yourself, just to think or listen to music or a podcast, it's also a good opportunity. People will understand and will give you the space

6. Exploring new places. I always look for new places to go. I know we can go to the same beautiful places every day, and we will get the same health benefits, but I love to get to know new places, to explore exciting hidden gems, especially since it's so easy to get there. 

It's nice to feel like you are on holiday, enjoying a special trip, a beautiful outing. As if you are a tourist in your own city!


Come...I'm looking forward to see you:

Here’s how you can join.


1. Join the Walking Group notification by WhatsApp or text and you will get notifications for the up-coming walks.


2. Do you like to organise your own walks with your friends, colleagues or staff?    

Walking together is a great way to bond relationships, to be active while doing something nice together. Call me and I can lead your group to some stunning, very well researched places.


3. 1-2-1 just you and me. Details will follow soon


4. Walking by yourself? In the blog you can find maps and details about different routes. Each route has been designed to give the best walk in your chosen destination. If you have a Smartphone you can download the Alltrails map and enjoy the walk. There are photos of the map and walk as well.

If you have any questions, please contact me; I'm more than happy to help.

How are we funded? Several individuals in the community have contributed funds for our activities, we are also funded by TFGM via Binoh and the Lotto - Community fund.

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