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Here are some common question I'm asked all the time:


1. Weather conditions 

Do you go walking in the rain? In the hot sun?

Yes! We do walk in the rain. (Although when there is a flood hazard we don't go.) You just have to dress according to the weather.

Wear good walking boots, and a waterproof rain jacket.

When it's too hot we will try to go to shady places and take plenty of water.
Many people don't like the rain and it's understandable but from my experience, many times the forecast says it will rain and then it didn’t, and you miss out on a beautiful walk.

Even if it is very wet, I prefer to go for a walk, to have my exercise, to be active and to come back home to a hot drink and dry clothes, and to know that I done my activity for today. But good water proof gear is vital!


2. What food should I bring with me?

Snack, fruit and water are recommended.

I recommend wearing a rucksack so your hands are free. It’s much easier to walk when you are not holding things.


3. Babies and children.

Some of the walks are buggy friendly and you can enjoy them with your baby.

Just make sure that if you joined a group with your baby, he/she has eaten and is relaxed, and you have enough food/ bottles for them.

I don’t recommend bringing small children with for a walk as they walk more slowly than the group and want more time to stop and enjoy what they see, and can be tired and bored very easily. 


4. Toilet

Most of the walks don't have toilet facilities. We try to find facilities at the start of the walk, but it's important that you know in advance that there might not be.


5. What time do you walk?

During the day. In the summer we can walk early mornings and later on in the evening. In the winter we keep it to day time only.


6. I’m afraid of dogs...

Here in the Manchester countryside most of the dogs are not on leads, and since many people are afraid of dogs, it really prevents them from walking in nature.


We offer an amazing workshop, ‘How to Cure your Dog Phobia’, by Yair Marron, that will help you get rid of your fear of dogs, and enjoy walking in nature.


Work on it and don't give up. It may take some time for you to feel no fear, but join the workshop, speak to people who have learnt how to curb their fear of dogs, and maybe even avail yourself of a therapy session with a professional therapist which can really help you. It is so worthwhile to get rid of this fear as it not only prevents you from enjoying the countryside but is a challenge any time you are walking down the street and encounter a dog. And your children will pick up your fears as well, which you certainly don’t want!


Many people have gotten rid of the fear and are so pleased to be able to walk and enjoy nature now.

Make it a goal for yourself and seek the solution. You will be so glad that you did it!



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